مركز تحميل الصور

jeudi 19 mai 2016

Peanut Briwat

 welcome to my kitchen  today we will prepare Peanut Briwat
So for the ingredients we will need 500 grams peanuts roasted and ground very finely.
Continue grinding the peanut with 200 grams of sugar
2 tablespoon of soft butter

1 teaspoon Arabic gum ground with white sugar
1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
And orange blossom water just a sufficient quantity  to combine the filling
So lets start !
In ball put peanut grinding with sugar add soft butter then knead it very well
Then add Arabic gum
Add cinnamon
Add orange blossom water just a sufficient quantity to combine the filling and form a small ball
After combine the filling try to form small balls then Cut the passtilla dough  in 4 long strips.
if you use the fillo Generously brush the top Fillo leaf with melted butter.
Put the filling in the left tip of the stip then cover the filling with the right tip to make a triangle.
Keep moving the Fillo dough strip left and right to make a triangle.
Brush the last tip of the Fillo with mixture of flour and water to close the Briwat.
In hot oil, fry the Briwat for few minutes until golden brown.
Drain the Briwat from the oil, and dip them in warm honey
Drain the Briwat from the honey and decorate them with sesame seeds.
I hope that you like my Briwate don't hesitate to try it  ;)
ehoo don't forget to subscribe to stay tuned to our new videos :) see you soon

lundi 9 mai 2016

Healthy Bran Bread Or Harcha

the ingredients 
  •  3 cups of Fine Bran 
  • one cup of fine semolina
  • 1/2 cup of unsalted melted butter 
  • 1 teaspoon of dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon of salt 
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • a little of warm water just until you form a ball (don't knead the dough)
    Let the dough rise for 15min then form it as a form of small pieces of bread and let it rise again
    then bake your Harcha in a pan on medium heat 
you can serve your Harcha with butter , honey, Nutella Or cheese
bonne appétit

lundi 2 mai 2016

Traditional Moroccan Cookies " Ghriba Lbehla"


Moroccan Ghriba (Ghriba Or Ghoriba),is a staple cookie in Moroccan cuisine, simple and delicious.

the ingredients 
740 grams of cake flour + Pinch of salt
200 grams of  granulated white sugar
300 ml of vegetable oil 
 175 grams of unsalted melted butter
50 grams of roasted sesame seeds 
1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon 
12 grams of baking powder
1 teaspoon of Smen (optional)
(Smen is a salted, preserved clarified butter that has been aged)
watch the video For more details  

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